星期三, 2月 08, 2006


起了大早去上班, 我以為是第一個到公司的, 結果Connie比我先到, 已經在忙著寫email連絡公事。一整天下來, 就和幾位同事談談工作進度, 剩餘的時間我就看資料、整理東西, 可能因為剛開始沒有太多事情作, 我反倒覺得時間過的很慢。

但不知怎麼回事, 下午竟然開始胃痛, 痛到走路都要彎著身子, 我忍著和同事開完會才離開公司, 回到家吃完飯後胃痛才稍微緩和。除胃痛外, 喉嚨痛也愈來愈嚴重, 似乎又發炎了, 我被迫又再度把止痛藥拿出來吃了一顆, 到底身體怎麼了?

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Hi, Brother William,

How about your stomach cramp?
Several years ago when working in Tokyo, I have suffered from 胃痛 during whole summer. Maybe living in a big city cuased me too much stress, but my Doctor told me that Helico bactor, Pylori might stay in my stomach. Have you ever heard Pylori? I wrote about this in detail and sent at your E-address. Just FYI.
I keep praying!

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